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Boost Your Child's Speech and Language
Lesson 1: The Essential Experience That Lays the Foundation for Communication
Overview of the Five Lessons (1:17)
Overcoming Barriers to Getting Help for Delayed Communication (6:35)
Serve and Return Videos
Lesson 2: How to Increase Brain Growth
Experiences Grow Your Child's Brain (2:54)
Checklist of Child Skills and Adult Actions that Build Those Skills (4:26)
Homework Assignment (1:04)
Lesson 3: Two Adult Strategies That Boost Communication Skills
Who Should Use These Strategies? (3:40)
Matching and Waiting: Definitions and Examples (4:57)
Homework: How to Use the Planning Sheet (5:00)
Lesson 4: Good and Bad Ways to Address Delayed Communication
Conversations Don't Have a Director. Share the Interaction. (5:11)
NDBIs: Systematic, Research-Based Programs That Use These Strategies (1:51)
"Wait and See" Is Never the Best Approach for Delayed Communication (3:20)
Lesson 5: Screening for Communication Delay
Try One of These Screeners (3:30)
Take the Survey. THANKS!
Conversations Don't Have a Director. Share the Interaction.
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